Tickle Liposuction
Remove stubborn and excess fat
What is Tickle Lipo?
Tickle Lipo is designed for bulk fat removal and body sculpting. It's highly effective and perfect for addressing excess fat in the thighs, buttocks, stomach, arms, back, chest and calves. Tickle Lipo is a fast and cost effective treatment and unlike conventional liposuction, it is performed under local anaesthetic.
Who is it for?
A good candidate for this procedure would ideally be someone who is looking to contour areas of their body where they have excess fat, has realistic expectations​ and is willing to maintain a healthy lifestyle following their fat removal procedure.
How does it work?
Tickle Lipo uses infrasonic technology to assist in removing fat cells. During the procedure, very small incisions are made and a small tube is inserted to break up the fat by emitting vibrations. These vibrations these are what give Tickle Lipo its nickname by creating a 'ticklish' sensation.
How soon will I see results?
Tickle Lipo has significant advantages over traditional liposuction as it allows for permanent fat removal and body sculpting with a fast recovery time. Clients will see results sooner compared to traditional liposuction because there is less swelling involved with minimal downtime.
Frequently Asked Questions
How long will the procedure take?The procedure is carried out in our clinic in Donnybrook under local anaesthetic and will take approximately half a day from check-in to walking out just a few short hours later.
What preparation do I need to do?No preparation is needed. We simply advise trying to get a good night’s sleep the night before. No fasting is required but we do recommend a light breakfast on the morning of your procedure.
Should I bring anything with me?Nothing is required but some patients like to bring a spare change of clothes including fresh underwear and loose clothing to wear over your compression garments post treatment.
What is the aftercare?You will be required to wear a compression garment for one month, which we will provide for you. You will also be prescribed an antibiotic for the initial five days post treatment. You can walk immediately after your procedure but avoid any strenuous activity or heavy lifting for the initial two weeks.
Can I drive after my treatment?No. On the day of your procedure, you will be unable to drive that day and will need to organise a lift home.
When will I return for a follow-up visit?This will consist of three visits, the first of which will be the day after your procedure for a check-up. A second appointment is organized for two weeks post procedure to monitor healing and assess the swelling. A third and final appointment is then scheduled for three months after your Tickle Lipo procedure to review results and will include any adjustments which may be needed.
What does the pain management entail?It is very simple, painkillers can be prescribed as needed but pain management would normally be approximately 3-5 days for most patients. The treatment area may feel bruised, swollen and tender for the first few days, but recovery can vary from patient to patient, depending on the individual and the extent of the procedure. Some patients describe the recovery as more of a discomfort and do not require any prescription pain medication post treatment.
When can I return to work?You should be ready to return to work after two days. We will provide you with a doctor’s letter if needed without detailing the nature of the procedure.
When can I shower or bathe?You can shower the day after your procedure but as it takes 5-7 days for your incision to close, you must avoid bathing/ swimming for the first week.
How long until I can notice results?Results can be noticeable immediately after the procedure, but we would say that you will be ‘beach ready’ within a month. Best results can be observed 3-6 months post-procedure as the swelling continues to subside, but this is dependent on each patient and how they respond to the treatment.
Is there anything I can do to speed up the healing process?Yes, we offer Lymphastim lymphatic drainage which can be performed approximately five days after your Tickle Lipo procedure, and this will help to reduce swelling and encourage healing.
How is Tickle Lipo different from other types of liposuction?It is far less invasive. Tickle Lipo is performed under local anaesthetic while you are awake and requires no fasting and no overnight stay on the day of your procedure. There is a quicker recovery time which means less down-time and a more rapid return to every-day life and work.
Will I be left with excess skin after the procedure?Not necessarily but this will be assessed with Dr. Sami in your initial consultation. There are various treatments which can be performed to avoid this, all of which will be discussed with you. Factors including age, genetics and overall skin health can contribute towards loose skin but maintaining a healthy lifestyle and stable weight after the procedure can minimize the likelihood of this happening. The compression garment is a key part of the aftercare which also minimizes loose skin.
Can I have liposuction after a C-section?Yes, but we would advise waiting a minimum of six months to a year after a C-section before considering liposuction to allow the area to fully heal. Liposuction on the abdomen also will not affect any future pregnancies or C-sections.
Will I be left with any scars?The incision is very small (less than one cm) so normally does not leave any noticeable scar. With the correct aftercare and time, most scars will naturally fade. However, the individual recovery process may vary from patient to patient.